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Sebrin Elms

Staying at El Cordova Hotel on Coronado Island, California

San Diego is one of the most beautiful cities in California. And in that city lies Coronado Island, a charming and unique neighborhood consisting of well-to-do San Diegans, navy personnel and tourists. But outside of the famous Del lies an offbeat property known as El Cordova, where you can experience a much more intimate side of the island that most tourists aren’t privy to. Continue reading

Your Shitty Vacation Actually Makes You a Better Traveler

When it comes to a vacation gone wrong, we’ve all been there. That time we planned the perfect getaway, saved all of our money, took off time from work, got someone to watch our pets/children who act like pets… and the trip ended up being a disaster. For one reason or another, your vacation ended up sucking, bad. But despite your epic travel fail, you actually just did yourself a huge favor.Continue reading

How to see Pismo Beach; beach view water ocean

How to See Pismo Beach, California in a Weekend

You might have heard of Pismo Beach, especially if you’ve taken a road trip up PCH. But this hidden spot still remains to be a quiet, quaint beach town practically untouched on the Central Coast of California. If you feel like going somewhere a little different than a typical trip to Big Sur or Santa Barbara, then here’s how to see Pismo Beach, California.Continue reading