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Tips for an AWESOME Disney Day

I may not be the ultimate Disney fanatic (I don’t have a Minnie Mouse tattoo, I don’t have Disney bumper stickers and I don’t have more than 3 pairs of Minnie ears), but as a SoCal resident, I’m no stranger to the Magic Kingdom. I tried to count how many times I’ve been to Disneyland since infancy and lost count at 35 trips. So naturally, I’m sharing my tips for an awesome Disney Day at the Magic Kingdom.Continue reading

Your Outdoor Summer Movie Guide in Los Angeles

Last Updated: July 27th

It’s here, it’s here!! That special time of year when you drink copious amounts of wine with your friends in the park, enjoy some kick-ass local food and enjoy a classic movie with about 250 Angelenos. Despite the horrendous parking scene, I absolutely love this inexpensive summer activity. In honor of the first movie screening this Saturday, I’ve created an outdoor summer movie guide for your viewing pleasure.Continue reading