Meet Clumsy Travelers Kristin and Shadi, of Vacation Couple

My latest series follows some of my favorite bloggers and their clumsiest moments. If you want to learn a little bit more of about these bloggers and hear their craziest stories abroad, stay tuned every Wednesday to meet some graceless wanderers! This week, meet clumsy travelers Kristin and Shadi of Vacation Couple!

Kristin and Shadi are like a social media power couple. 

They’re on Twitter, Facebook and Youtube, yet they make it all look so effortless. Meanwhile, I’m over here just trying to stay afloat with my 9-5 and my Instagram account.

Of course, we had found each other through social media. One day, I was on my Instagram, when I noticed this couple’s incredible videos from abroad. They were exciting, romantic and made with great quality.

Once we started to follow each other, it was like I suddenly had an incredible support system from far, far away. Every time I posted a photo, video or tweet, Kristin and Shadi were there to comment, retweet and provide a little sunshine.

That’s the beauty of blogging today. It’s like you’re all one big, happy family.

After endless support and drooling over their videos, I was curious to learn what their clumsiest moment might be. And they did not disappoint! 

Meet Clumsy Travelers Kristin and Shadi, of Vacation Couple; planet orb resort photo

1. Tell us a little bit about yourselves and your blog!

Making videos is our passion! We first met in downtown Toronto through mutual friends for a night out on the town. Who knew that an innocent pre-dinner video-game competition would be the beginning for us?! Rocking out at concerts, keeping active outdoors and enjoying different types of food are some of our favourite things to do. Creating things is our jam.

2. How did you get into blogging/vlogging?

Each and every place we traveled to we make a video documenting our experience. We uploaded one of our videos as usual and got a really positive response from people! We created Vacation Couple as a way to share our travels and help other’s decide which places were right for them (based on our experiences).

3. How long have you been traveling? What are your favorite destinations?

Shadi has always been an avid traveler and whether it was Las Vegas, New York or Jamaica, he was always off jet-setting somewhere before we met. I’ve visited Canada from coast to coast when I was younger and it was unbelievably beautiful. We’ve been travelling together for nearly 5 years now and it’s easy to say that Mexico is our all-time favourite destination. We spend hours dreaming of the gorgeous sunrises and sunsets, the stunning beaches, the wonderful people and the endless activities.

Meet Clumsy Travelers Kristin and Shadi; colorful rainbow sunset

4. So, what’s your clumsiest, craziest or most bizarre travel story?

Okay I’m a worrier, there’s just no getting around it. I over-pack medical supplies, I always tell Shadi to be careful (when I’m clearly the one who needs to take extra caution) and I like the idea of being safe rather than sorry.

So it came as a surprise to the both of us when I suggested we explore deep in the jungle on a group walk along the West Coast of Mexico a few months ago.

We had no idea of the mishaps before us as we strapped on our helmets and set off into the lush jungle. I daintily stepped from one rock to the next, avoiding the rushing water underneath my feet. Shadi, however, drudged through the water and enjoyed each second of it.

We were both in complete bliss right up to the moment we stumbled across the deadly venomous spider perched on a rock. Our hearts pounded at the thought of it let alone the sight…

Our guide swiftly removed the problem from our path; however we don’t quite know why we didn’t then think twice before jumping into an adjacent fresh water spring to have a swim. Not only could we not see the bottom of this darky lit, cool water, we couldn’t see the rest of our group as we wandered together even further into the jungle to see a waterfall hidden from everyone else’s view.

Our clumsiness didn’t come into play until the walk back from the jungle, where Shadi slipped and cut his leg on a rock. We chuckled at the mild scrape while at the medic getting it cleaned. How lucky we were that it was minor and surprised that it wasn’t me who got injured!

But we weren’t chuckling later that day when the inevitable happened.

It happened hours after our escape from the jungle. While running into the water on the beach, enjoying my injury-free life, I suddenly felt an intense stringing sensation in my toes. After I calmed down (stopped screaming) we chatted with the medic for the second time that day. I pulled out the stinger and believe that my day was a whole lot better than the bee’s that stung me.

Nothing that we needed that day was packed in my medical supplies, not the iodine, not the antiseptic and especially not the two medical professionals who helped us! We realized that you can plan for accidents, but you’ll never be able to plan and pack for every situation. We both had a great story to tell afterwards and we’ll never forget my adventurous decision to go on a jungle walk. Let the curiosity continue!

If you want to follow Kristin and Shadi’s journey, check them out on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and of course, their site!

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