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travel and reduce your carbon footprint; girl on suspension bridge canada

6 Powerful Ways You Can Travel and Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

California’s latest heat wave has scared the shit out of me. I mean, I always knew climate change was real. But as I drove on the 101 freeway in record-breaking 120º F weather, I knew the earth was changing rapidly. Carbon emissions, nuclear waste and deforestation are just some of the manmade terrors that are destroying our planet. And while travel doesn’t help the earth, our inner voices are telling us how much we love to explore. So how can you satisfy your love for travel and reduce your carbon footprint at the same time?Continue reading

travel with endometriosis and PCOS; girl in L'Auberge Sedona green ivy

How to Travel With Endometriosis and PCOS And Not Die of Pain

What started as an inconceivable, awful pain in my lower intestines turned into a diagnosis. A diagnosis that meant I would suffer from two painful diseases that would manifest not just around my “time of the month,” but all month, every month. Despite the excruciating pain and discomfort, I’ve learned how to travel with endometriosis and PCOS. Here’s what I’ve learned and how you too can travel without letting it ruin your holiday. (LADIES ONLY)Continue reading

Machu Picchu's new entrance regulations; girl from above view of Huayuna Picchu

What You Need to Know About Machu Picchu’s New Entrance Regulations

Everyone wants to cross Machu Picchu of their bucket list. After all, it’s one of the most stunning new world wonders. But all of that popularity has led UNESCO to change the landmark’s entrance rules. If you plan on visiting Machu Picchu during your future travels, make sure you’re prepared with Machu Picchu’s new entrance regulations.Continue reading

balance your travel energy; hematite tigers eye lepidolite, sage, style rituals, palo santo

How to Balance Your Energy While You Travel The World

Have you ever gone on an epic vacation only to feel stressed, anxious, or utterly drained? Despite your constant hydration, awesome sleep schedule and self-care, you just feel more fatigued than normal. Why? Because your energy is being depleted! But the antidote to balance your travel energy is quite simple: it includes three travel crystals for protection, a little smudging and opening your mind!Continue reading