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About 87 results

Raves at Sunrise: Your New Morning Coffee

As the sun started to peak over Downtown Los Angeles, I timidly walked to what looked like a private warehouse with my younger sister and her group of friends. The thermostat showed 58 degrees yet crowds of party-goers were wearing high waisted shorts, crop tops and leotards. Once we made it through the front door, house music blasted through the entire room. Dancers were covered in neon gear and dressed in a variety of costumes as the bar gave out shots of coffee. Not only was this my first rave, but it was at 6 am and everyone was stone-cold sober.Continue reading

St. Patrick’s Day in Stockholm

St. Patrick’s Day in Stockholm. The two don’t seem together. Much like my experience with Swedish meatballs topped with Nutella: bad in theory, fair in practice. As I look through several event pages how to celebrate the holiday, Stockholm seems to have hopped on the Shamrock bandwagon. However back when I was a student at Uppsala University in 2010-2011, it was still a weird combination.Continue reading

14 Reasons Why You Should Study Abroad in Uppsala, Sweden

In 2010, I studied abroad in Uppsala, Sweden for ten months at Uppsala University. When I think about this chapter of my life, I realize that study abroad was *the* best thing that ever happened to me. I took risks and became independent, I made lifelong friends (two of which are my bridesmaids), and I discovered my true passion for international travel. But why should you study abroad in Uppsala, Sweden?

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