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Sebrin Elms

save money for travel; The Clumsy Traveler Baller on a Budget Travel saving guide e-guide

With 150+ Amazing Ways to Save, You Have No Excuse NOT to Travel

It seems like no matter how much you save or what you do to earn money, life gets in the way. You get a promotion, but suddenly have to replace the car engine. Or pay for a vet bill. Or have a huge co-pay from that trip to the dentist. Each time life comes up, your travel plans seem farther and farther out of reach. If you want to amp up your game and save money for travel, then you absolutely need “The Clumsy Traveler’s Baller on a Budget Travel-Saving Guide.”Continue reading

staying at Malibu Beach Inn; sunset Malibu pier

Staying at Malibu Beach Inn in Malibu, California

As the sun started to set, shades of pink and purple began to hug the sky. It was at this same time that a pod of dolphins and two curious sea lions poked their heads from the gentle ocean and played in front of our balcony. We clinked our glasses of champagne, enjoyed the crashing of the waves and enjoyed this incredibly blissful moment. It appeared that we had found heaven by staying at Malibu Beach Inn.Continue reading

That Time a Peruvian Shaman Changed My Life (For the Better)

Cusco is one of the most spiritual places on Earth. People travel from all over the world to absorb the energy of this magical city. From purchasing crystals to drinking ayahuasca, locals and tourists alike believe these practices will aid in your spiritual journey. I decided to embark on my own journey by visiting a Peruvian shaman and it changed my life. Continue reading